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Our Sporting Activities

All students take part in weekly HPE lessons. Lessons include athletics, ball skills and team games, and gymnastics.

Wivenhoe, Somerset and Boondooma are the school sports houses. Students compete for their houses in annual swimming, cross country and athletics carnivals. There are opportunities for students to be chosen as school representatives to compete at local carnivals and Zone or State championships.

Water awareness and water safety programs are run as part of the HPE curriculum.

On occasions, St John’s uses outside providers such as Zing Activ to deliver specific programs such as dance, skipping or gymnastics as part of the PE curriculum.

Year 7 to 9 students have the opportunity to participate in inter-school sporting competitions. Year 4 to 6 students take part in winter and summer carnivals with other schools in the district. Sports played at these carnivals may include soccer, cricket, netball, Newcombe, T-Ball, basketball, tennis and touch football.

Older students have the opportunity to participate in South Burnett Zone School sport trials. Dates for these are advertised through the school newsletter.